Open source śledzenie pozycji dla wszystkich platform geocachingowych

Ikona typu GK Warships (Książka/CD/DVD…) by Droelfzehn
Numer identyfikacyjny
Dystans całkowity
0 km
Odwiedzone miejsca
13 lat temu
Odwiedzone kraje

The task is to collect pictures of Warships (no civil frighter, civil tanker, ferry etc.) and to return back home when full.

Therefore the CD is distributed as "multi-session CD" and please do NOT finalize it.

Please feel free to add your picture of a warship.

Your image is eligible, when it fits the following specifications:

  1. The image was taken by you and it is an JPG.
  2. The Filename should show state and Ship-ID e.g.: "Germany_F220.JPG" or "France_R91.JPG"
  3. No dimension of the image exceeds 2000 Pixel.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or problems with the CD.

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Opis [Red flag] = start [Yellow flag] = punkty trasy [Green flag] = ostatnio widziany

0 km
13 lat temu / Droelfzehn

Gute Reise!