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GK type icon B&B's Blue Shark (Hagyományos) by BeautyAndBeast - missing
Reference number
Összesen megtett út
3856 km
Meglátogatott helyek
14 éve
(2) → (1) → (1)

A wolf of the sea, looking for something to eat! I like caches near water and I like fish and squid, a lot! ;)

Thanks for taking care of our GeoKret!

[EST] Merede hunt, otsib midagi hamba alla! Mulle meeldivad veeäärsed aarded ning loomulikult kalad! ;)

Aitäh, et meie GeoKreti eest hoolitsete!

Found it? Log it!

Caption: [Red flag] = start [Yellow flag] = útpontok [Green flag] = Legutóbb itt láttam

2609 km
14 éve / RobertM

Blue Shark is inside the wall of the Aqaba castle, have about 200 m. to the Red Sea with beautiful coral reef.

  • RobertM: skrzynka, w której był ukryty geokret zagineła
    13 éve
14 éve / RobertM

Time to hit the road!

1084 km

In Krakow, waiting for the big journey! :)

163 km

Visiting the post office and sending the GK to Krakow, Poland :)

0 km

Journey starts here but he came home with us because we are sending him on a long trip. First by mail to Poland and then thanks to RobertM further south-east, where to? - we don't know yet!