Open source item tracking for all geocaching platforms

GK type icon Pan Waldek (Traditional) by lavinka
Reference number
Total distance
2765 km
Places visited
10 years ago
Country track
(1) → (1) → (1) → (10)

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Caption: [Red flag] = start [Yellow flag] = trip points [Green flag] = recently seen

580 km
9 years ago / Bloxxxer

continue your journey, my little friend ...

9 years ago / Bloxxxer

Haben den Kleinen unter unsere Fittiche genommen. Werden ihn nach unserem Urlaub wieder in die Freiheit entlassen.

477 km
9 years ago / GiDu

Unfortunately it took a long time to work at the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg. Now the roof is ready, so Pan Waldeck may work on new projects. Good journey!

10 years ago / GiDu

Time to let the journey go on.

229 km
10 years ago / TeamMS
1104 km
10 years ago / lavinka

Trzeba tu coś unowocześnić :)

0 km
10 years ago / lavinka