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GK type icon BorisBeaver (Traditional) by donald20
Reference number
Total distance
9283 km
Places visited
12 years ago
Country track
(12) → (1)

Boris is the oldest of the three beaver brothers. He is extremely calm and observed his brothers traveling somehow phlegmatic for a while. Being alone was ok for him. He never had many conversations. However, from time to time he also wants to see his family. But instead of adventures, he is seeking the anonymity of cities.

Boris wants to stay close to civilisation areas!

See also: BrunoBeaver (the younger brother): [Link] BerndBeaver (the youngest brother): [Link]

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Caption: [Red flag] = start [Yellow flag] = trip points [Green flag] = recently seen

10 years ago / katzjoha

befand sich in power trail, markgräfler kracher nr. 9

10 years ago / ulises#
10 years ago / Team Urko
10 years ago / Team Urko


10 years ago / Team Urko


10 years ago / Team Urko
85 km
10 years ago / Zoom44

Gute Reise

10 years ago / zoom44

Grabbed it from "Grillhütte Rheinböllen" (GC4P9F2).
It Travels to Hessen now...

39 km
10 years ago / tourex

na dann viel GLÜCK auf deiner Reise.

91 km
10 years ago / Nic_goe