Open source item tracking for all geocaching platforms

GK type icon Figurine / figurka #5 (Traditional) by MP3Martin
Reference number
Total distance
298 km
Places visited
8 months ago
Country track

EN - I'm a little figurine, take me anywhere. To the nearest cache or to the other side of the globe.

CZ - Jsem malá figurka, vezměte mě kamkoliv. Do nejbližší keše nebo na druhou stranu zeměkoule.

DE - Ich bin eine kleine Figur, nimm mich überall hin mit. Zum nächsten Cache oder auf die andere Seite des Globus.

Found it? Log it!

Caption: [Red flag] = start [Yellow flag] = trip points [Green flag] = recently seen

202 km
1 day ago / mh70+ic76

posíláme dál :-)

0 km
4 weeks ago / mh70+ic76
0 km
4 weeks ago / mh70+ic76
96 km
4 weeks ago / mh70+ic76
4 weeks ago / mh70+ic76

Vyzvednut na Kunětické Hoře, poponeseme 😀

0 km
3 months ago / MP3Martin

We found a nice mystery cache which is a bonus you can find when you finish a fun adventure lab, so we decided to drop a GeoKret.


The coordinates provided in the log correspond to the mystery cache listings coordinates, not the real physical location.