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GK type icon Fred Colon (Traditional) by Eldedkus
Reference number
Total distance
4 km
Places visited
6 years ago
Country track

K poctě Jana Kantůrka / Zu Ehren von Jan Kantůrek (Übersetzer Discoworld) / To the honor of Jan Kantůrek (translator Discoworld)

Fred je typickým občanem Ankh-Morporku. Není příliš vzdělaný, ambiciózní a trpí rasovými předsudky. Zato ale přetéká zkušenostmi a všelijakými zajímavými historkami.

Frederick Colon oder kurz Fred Colon ist ein Mensch und langjähriges Mitglied der Ankh-Morpork Stadtwache. Er ist ein geborener Feldwebel (engl. Sergeant) und hat es niemals über diesen Rang hinaus gebracht, hat dies aber auch nie bereut.

Fred Colon is a long-time member of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch, for most of that time a sergeant. Currently the most senior member of the Watch, he is "one of nature's sergeants": good at organizing small tasks, rotas of various descriptions, whip-rounds and other informal funds; he is extremely bad at paperwork, keeping the wage chitty safe, and other officer's tasks. He is generally upfront about these deficiencies and subsequently has a low opinion about the practical capabilities of most formal Officers, with the major exclusion of Carrot and Sam Vimes (whom he considers to be honorary sergeants).

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Caption: [Red flag] = start [Yellow flag] = trip points [Green flag] = recently seen

4 km
5 years ago / Eldedkus
0 km
5 years ago / Eldedkus
0 km
6 years ago / Eldedkus