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GK type icon Asia (Traditional) by r b hiking
Reference number
Total distance
2641 km
Places visited
6 years ago
Country track

Goal: Cache around me

Found it? Log it!

Caption: [Red flag] = start [Yellow flag] = trip points [Green flag] = recently seen

180 km
10 hours ago / Aronel

Drove up with TeamXMan. Arrived at parking to find a party of 4 cachers about to set off. We shared the trail for a good chunk, but they got busy checking out the benchmarks and such so we splintered off for the CAM and passed them again heading back to the tunnel to finish the earthcache. Stopped for PokemonGo on the way back and stayed at the car preparing for our next stop. Ended up seeing the other party safely return to their car before we headed out for Fort Ritchie.

I was here years ago for the virtual. Didn't have cause to walk this far back then, and I don't recall noticing the benchmarks. I seem to recall the ends of the tunnel had large closed doors or something, but you can see the light at the end of the tunnel now. A lady biker we met along the way told us that someone broke their leg in the tunnel a few years back. If they were going to make any improvements inside the tunnel I would hope that includes evening out the footing.

It was a quick find and all is well here. Tftc :)

9 km
1 week ago / Aronel

I was drawn to a couple areas by CAM 2024 caches. Of course I had to look at what else is around. I started at the CAM 2024 virtual today, cleared that immediate area, then did several in a new (to me) county map grid that was in between the CAM virtual and CAM 2024 Jug Bay. After finishing at Jug Bay, I came here because it is an old CAM. Next I'm grabbing low hanging fruit in Dunkirk.

Heard shots some distance away. I don't know how to judge that, but it wasn't very close. Coords were 35 feet off. The new container is doing well.

Tftc :)

12 km
1 week ago / Aronel

I was drawn to a couple areas by CAM 2024 caches. Of course I had to look at what else is around. I started at the CAM virtual today, cleared that immediate area, then did several in a new county map grid that was in between the CAM virtual and this CAM, then came here. Whatever was here I did years ago, there was just this and a lab set. I was too tired and low on time to do the furthest 3 labs. But there was also plenty of daylight, so I went to the Dunkirk area to round up my numbers by another 10.

Made the round. Didn't actually have to look for the cache because I was greeted with, "Looking for this?" Replaced as shown.

Almost forgot I had brought some TB to return to the wild. Good thing I remembered because I like to snap a Chrono-log picture when I see an opportunity and I had also passed that one. Mischief managed!

Tftc :)

1 km
1 week ago / Aronel

I was drawn to a couple areas by CAM 2024 caches. Of course I had to look at what else is around. I noticed I didn't have any finds in this county map grid, and it was almost between the two CAM targets. Why not fix that?

I almost forgot this one. I only had to backtrack 400 feet or so, so I did. Had no trouble with the puzzle. The poor artwork on the can has seen better days. There was no writing utensil and mine got left in the car with a wardrobe change, so I got creative.

On the way back out, I cut cross-country a different way. Upon crashing onto the trail I saw a group of horses (with riders, ha) approaching 100 feet away. Good thing I didn't bust out of the woods right when they were in front of me. I guess they would have heard my approach. I was tired, not sure I would have seen them 😅

Tftc :)

23 km
1 week ago / Aronel

I was drawn to a couple areas by CAM 2024 caches. Of course I had to look at what else is around. I noticed I didn't have any finds in this county map grid, and it was almost between the two CAM targets. Why not fix that?

Spooked a chonky deer and a fat black snake on the trail - they spooked me, too. Once I payed full attention to what the last instruction said, the find was quick. Before that, I was wandering around hoping I was in the right area with nothing to show for it. I was very happy to see a mechanical pencil here. It was too hot for my jacket and I forgot to take the pen out when that got pulled off.

All is well here!

Tftc :)

46 km
1 week ago / Aronel

I found the area confusing and I was so disoriented I almost had 2 separate accidents within 2,000 feet. The way I approached there was no left turn sign, but the short road you turn on for the two monuments actually has a double yellow line. It's a one way road, ya know? So why no left turn, only cross traffic?

36 km
4 weeks ago / Aronel

Technically the closure to non-residents is to 2025. People are fighting it. You may or may not be okay in the off-season, but you might be fined something like $125 if someone is there to enforce it. Personally I will wait for it to open.,extend%20the%20ban%20to%202025.

8 km
1 month ago / Aronel

Visiting this part of Maryland from Northern Virginia for CAM 2024. I had a very soggy morning. I need to replace my old Gordon's-Fisherman-yellow rain poncho. That thing was a mobile tent.

It had been dry (as in not raining 😅) for a few hours and this was my last stop. Coords were a little squirrelly, so I used geosenses to select potential gz. Ooh, that's odd. That's gotta be it, but where's the log? Ohhhh! OK, fav point. Nice to end with this instead of a semi-dnf on a nearby 5/5.

Tftc :)

13 km
1 month ago / Aronel

Visiting this part of Maryland from Northern Virginia for CAM 2024. I had a very soggy morning. I need to replace my old Gordon's-Fisherman-yellow rain poncho. That thing was a mobile tent.

It had been dry for a few hours and I was mostly done for the day at this point.

With everything being closed right here for now, I was able to have the little parking lot to myself. After a very short walk, I circled around the area. It's a strange spot where ordinarily my phone doesn't have trouble, but today it was trying to tell me I needed to go pass a gate or walk though walls. I did better when I looked at pictures and matched up the area. The log is pretty wet, but the attached pen had no problem applying my marks. There is a crack in the bottom of the box. The only solution to the soaking issue is a replacement.

Tftc :)

48 km
1 month ago / Aronel

Visiting this part of Maryland from Northern Virginia for CAM 2024. I had a very soggy morning. I need to replace my old Gordon's-Fisherman-yellow rain poncho. That thing was a tent and thick enough that a hefty breeze didn't parasail the hood off my head. It would stand away from my body, which feels nicer than clinging rain jacket sleeves, and aided ventilation. I probably looked misshapen and cautionary, but it was very practical. Great for protecting cache contents from the rain. Rain was just too strong and long for a generic length rain jacket with a too-small hood. The tunic length jacket and top underneath the rain jackey probably didn't help...but my old trusty poncho could have handled it no problem. It finally succumbed to one too many greenbrier encounters, but it took a licking on multiple occasions where this rain jacket wouldn't have stood a chance. Dollar store ponchos need not apply.

It had been dry for a few hours and I was mostly done for the day at this point. I only faced puddles here, but apparently these boots need to be re-treated. Made my round here. There were a couple large puddles, but the deepest one was on the off trail approach to gz. Still, nothing close to the full ditches next to the TAD caches I visited, bodies of water crossed, and partly flooded yards and fields.

The rain posed an obstacle, but I didn't let that stop me from finding beauty and enjoyment in the day. I am happy I got to this part of MD safely, mostly driving in the dark and solid rain to attend a kick-off event (no, not football - blech). I felt my tires hydroplaning. It could have been colder, could have had awful traffic, slipped down a hill, fallen into mud, loads of stuff. I had freedom and ability to go out today, my car works, my body works. Being out in the chill and damp was enlivening, and I knew I would probably get to dry out, have fresh clothes, shelter, food, and safety at the end of the day. The rain did stop, various birds were out, there was brisk wind through the grasses, there was a clean portalet, and no muggles.

Poured out a bit of water (presumably from being rained in earlier), traded some swag, then took a look at the info areas by the portalet. Sharing some posted info about the park. CAM 2024 day 1, complete. Found both southeastmost 2024 CAM. 37 finds total, including an old CAM, an earthcache for a challenge, and 4 with a the geotour attribute for another challenge. I didn't get the 5/5 traditional I had hoped to qualify for another challenge with, but it would have been disappointing if I had found it on the ground or something dumb.

Tftc :)