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GK type icon Monilat (Traditional) by kumy
Reference number
Total distance
239 km
Places visited
6 years ago
Country track

Merci de m’aider à visiter La haute-Marne (52)

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Caption: [Red flag] = start [Yellow flag] = trip points [Green flag] = recently seen

11 km
5 years ago / rrdeli

[Geolocation] coords ±75.16824249853408; altitude: 893.6995849609375 ±10; timestamp: 1537280647627

6 years ago / RRDELI
35 km
6 years ago / gueta

bon voyage

6 years ago / gueta
192 km
6 years ago / Nimariel

Avec Dongdong (and in english for her)
"After lunch" (easy) walk, to keep some physical exercice even with the high temperatures of the summer.
So we chose a flat and shadowy path, along the Foulon water pipe, that we already had done partialy in june.

Today we started at the "Belvédère", and walked eastbound. Indeed the walk was easy and mostly under the shadow of the trees, with very nice views on the coastline from place to place...
Only the tunnels caused some trouble to Dongdong, she does not like insects and spiders.. .

All caches were found easily (even the Ciste in the middle. .)

Thanks faudra !

In krety Monilat

6 years ago / Nimariel
1 km
6 years ago / kumy

et c est coincoin qui s y colle... trouvee.

pendant qu il etait de l autre cote, une dame nous dit que c est dangereux et interdit de se baigner. qu un jeune homme est decede ici l annee derniere. vite coincoin "prends la cle" et reviens !!!

0 km
6 years ago / kumy

trouvee a nouveau apres 2 ans. Mais ou est passe le crocodile???

0 km
6 years ago / kumy

Trouvee lors de l event.

0 km
6 years ago / kumy

Trouvee lors de l event.