Open source item tracking for all geocaching platforms

GK type icon Arjens Freund (Traditional) by JaKaJado
Reference number
Total distance
42196 km
Places visited
10 years ago
Country track
(179) → (5) → (1) → (1) → (1) → (6) → (1) → (3) → (14) → (79) → (5) → (1)

Das ist der beste Freund von Arjen. Nimm mich einfach mit zum nächsten Cache.

Found it? Log it!

Caption: [Red flag] = start [Yellow flag] = trip points [Green flag] = recently seen

4609 km
1 year ago / mask_mtq

Все точки давно обошел, недавно подтвердил/исправил одно значение у автора и вот сегодня наконец-то добрался непосредственно до тайника. Сначала думал, что коробочка пропала, но таки нашёл, всё в отличном состоянии. Вторая запись - моя :)
Запись в 11:51.
Спасибо olegas за тайник!

0 km
2 years ago / mask_mtq

After Issyk-Ata yule_t and me went to the Burana tower.
We climbed the tower, went to the small museum and visited the Bal-Bals. Rather impressive!
"Logentry" 16:45.
Many thanks to KaMo_cz for showing the location, placing and maintaining!
Greetings from Berlin!

0 km
2 years ago / mask_mtq

The box is definitely gone, and we couldn't find a good place for a replacement.

34 km
2 years ago / mask_mtq

Посетил тайник 09.01.22
Правильность ответа подтверждена модератором.
После Иссык-Аты съездили к Буране, поднялись наверх, древность впечатляет, конечно.
Также поместили музей и выставку Бал-Балов.
"Запись" в 16:05.
Спасибо Shel за тайник!

1 km
2 years ago / mask_mtq

Nope, after I along time of looking we gave up, I think the box and even the stone it was under is gone. Could be under the ice, but doesn't look like it. Shame we couldn't land an FTF almost 3 years after publish. I also didn't want to drop a replacement box, since I can't ensure maintenance.

4609 km
2 years ago / mask_mtq

Found together with yule_t.
We looked for a long time and couldn't find the original or any of the newer replacement boxes... After some light digging at the place in the spoiler picture we finally found a box... As it turns out, the replacement box from 2015. It's in perfect condition an now a bit more "findable".
Logentry at 12:24.
Thanks to cjpinaula for showing the location, placing the box and maintaining it!
Greetings from Berlin!

0 km
2 years ago / mask_mtq

Kann weitergehen :)

17 km
2 years ago / mask_mtq

Zusammen mit Megafelix heute neue Dose mit neuem Logbuch platziert, die alte habe ich nicht mehr gefunden.

1 km
2 years ago / mask_mtq

Nach ca. 30 Minuten haben wir hier aufgegeben, vielleicht ein andermal.

0 km
2 years ago / mask_mtq

Hier haben wir lange gesucht, dann einen Hilferuf ausgesendet, da, wo die Vorfinder die Dose gefunden haben, ist sie definitiv nicht mehr, da sollte der Owner vielleicht Mal nachschauen.