Open source item tracking for all geocaching platforms

GK type icon SAR (Traditional) by HappyNavi
Reference number
Total distance
2050 km
Places visited
10 years ago
Country track
(4) → (1) → (1)

SAR GeoKrety - Please hurry! I am on a search and rescue mission to find my good ol' pal, the GeoKrety "Viva Las Vegas" (GK4DF3) which has last been seen in Canada at GC1HMFY. Please help me to get to this place to take some evidence photos of the cache with it's current contents. After success- fully completing this mission, please return me to GC1HKZA in Germany. Thanks a lot!

Found it? Log it!

Caption: [Red flag] = start [Yellow flag] = trip points [Green flag] = recently seen

4 years ago / fellsmanhiker

will drop in a new cache soon,thanks

241 km
4 years ago / Sir PhilPamAndRob

Dropped in cathedral Cavern, a great cache in the English Lake District

4 years ago / Sir PhilPamAndRob

Picked up at the “If your socks are dry” event in Runcorn, NW England
Will move along in the near future

1317 km

[Geolocation] coords ±22; altitude: null ±null; timestamp: 1567970151662
Gezien in handen van Mithrandir

4 years ago / Sterre kampman
341 km
4 years ago / Léa und Psy

Berlin :-)

4 years ago / psy

Auf gehts in die Hauptstadt :-)

112 km
5 years ago / mogicar

gute Weiterreise >>>

5 years ago / mogicar

weiter geht's >>>

8 years ago / marce_arg

Discovered it at the GK Picture Gallery