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GK type icon Gabriel Goto (Traditional) by elebaerg
Reference number
Total distance
0 km
Places visited
11 years ago
Country track

"Gabriel Goto" is a fictional character taken from Neal Stephenson's Baroque Cycle.

It is now the ambition of this GeoKret to travel on the itinerary of it's literary antetype.

Most of all, he longs to attain Nippon, the country of his ancestors. An attendance of Malta, the ubiquitous birthplace of Playmobil manikin, would also be appreciated.

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Caption: [Red flag] = start [Yellow flag] = trip points [Green flag] = recently seen

11 years ago / Jacho33

Nachdem auf der Mondscheinpromenade schon lange niemand mehr unterwegs war, sollte er einfach mal mitkommen.
Sieht super aus, dieser wilde Krieger.

0 km
11 years ago / elebaerg

Auch die längste Reise beginnt mit dem ersten Schritt.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.