Open source item tracking for all geocaching platforms

GK type icon Time matters (Traditional) by Y@h.oo - missing
Reference number
Total distance
1375 km
Places visited
12 years ago
Country track
(2) → (1)

As a token, I depend on time to display my responses. Please make me the photo with watches (on towers, city halls, etc.)

Found it? Log it!

Caption: [Red flag] = start [Yellow flag] = trip points [Green flag] = recently seen

1358 km
12 years ago / nornick

Ciekawe czy Francuzi dadzą radę nie zamordować krecika? Mam nadzieję że powędruje sobie po Alpach.

  • BSLLM: 11/03/2016 without surprise. this geokret is no more in GC225N3 :(
    7 years ago
12 years ago / shchenka

Nornick grabbed it.

12 years ago / shchenka

coś tam wyświetla wciąż. Chciałem sprawdzić datę ważności, ale zamazana ... :)

17 km
12 years ago / Y@h.oo

Szerokiej drogi!

0 km
12 years ago / Y@h.oo
