Open source item tracking for all geocaching platforms

Reference number
Total distance
7444 km
Places visited
15 years ago
Country track
(3) → (1) → (1)

Dies ist ein Angelköder für Meerforellen in der Ostsee. Man kann ihn aber auch anderswo einsetzen, nicht nur für Salmoniden.

This is a lure for fishing sea trouts in the baltic sea. Not only for fishing sea trout or salmon. smile

Found it? Log it!

Caption: [Red flag] = start [Yellow flag] = trip points [Green flag] = recently seen

3 years ago / gjensen

Retrieved from somewhere a long time ago, then forgotten about. Very sorry. Will release agian soon.

3731 km
14 years ago / rice&curry team

Now it is on the famous fishing island of Langeland in Denmark. I hope it will make its way to other good fishing spots in the world.

  • SwamboDK: It is not in this cache - sorry!!
    12 years ago
3660 km
14 years ago / Sphingidae

The Kuestenwobbler_03 has done a long journey now. We wish him a good journey and good fishing in the Atlantic Ocean.

14 years ago / Sphingidae

Tja, da wollen wir doch mal gucken, wo so eine Angel überall zum Einsatz kommen kann.

4 km
15 years ago / florence74x
15 years ago / florence74x

...und weiter

49 km
15 years ago / sanchopancho

Hier erstmal ein Zwischenstopp...

Gute Reise weiterhin

15 years ago / sanchopancho

Hoffentlich finde ich eine Dose die groß genug ist um diesen Köder wieder gut zu verstauen :-)

0 km
15 years ago / strandlaeufer_sh

In this river there are some sea trouts and salmons: this lure wants to see more of them worldwide... please give him/it a chance! smile