Open source item tracking for all geocaching platforms

GK type icon TurtlePig (Traditional) by neojota
Reference number
Total distance
662 km
Places visited
13 years ago
Country track
(2) → (4)

La única tortuga que sabe idiomas! Ayúdame a viajar por Europa de cache en cache de España a los alpes Suizos, pasando por Francia y/o Italia o acercándome lo máximo a Suiza. Al llegar a los Alpes quiero quedarme en algún cache con bonitas vistas para que mis dueños pueda recogerme en sus vacaciones de Julio 2012. Muéstrame un bonito lugar de los alpes Suiza y mis dueños irá a verme!

[ENGLISH] TurtlePig, the only turtle that knows other languages!!! Please, Help me travelling from cache to cache across Europe to Swiss Alps, through France and / or Italy or getting closer to Switzerland. When I arrive to the Alps, i want to stay in a cache with a nice view, and my owners will visit me on their holidays in July 2012. Show me a beautiful place in the Swiss Alps and my owners will visit it!

Found it? Log it!

Caption: [Red flag] = start [Yellow flag] = trip points [Green flag] = recently seen

11 years ago / GoStefen & Micki

Vamos fazer uma pequena viagem com ele...

118 km
11 years ago / Team Ferreira
12 years ago / Team Ferreira

Continuara a sua viagem

3 km
12 years ago / team-geopower
12 years ago / team-geopower
127 km
12 years ago / LCEMAIA
12 years ago / lcemaia
409 km
12 years ago / vipedre
12 years ago / Vipedre


12 years ago / vipedre
