Open source item tracking for all geocaching platforms

GK type icon Dino VIII RedRock (Traditional) by RAFAL.P
Reference number
Total distance
3961 km
Places visited
9 years ago
Country track
(1) → (1) → (7)

Moim marzeniem i celem jest dotrzeć do Australii i Oceanii, być może nawet do kochanego Kiribati lub Vanuatu, a potem wrócić do Polski. My dream is to get to Australia and Oceania, perhaps even to reach my beloved Kiribati or Vanuatu, and then go back to Poland.

Found it? Log it!

Caption: [Red flag] = start [Yellow flag] = trip points [Green flag] = recently seen

228 km
6 years ago / nemesis
287 km
6 years ago / nemesis.
7 years ago / prato
154 km
7 years ago / Pigeonlkg19

Krecik niczym żul zamieszkał pod moste ????

8 years ago / Pigeonlkg19

Zabrany z geohotelu, Mała wymiana

188 km
8 years ago / BUMAG

zawitał na wielkim otwarciu wyremontowanego geohotelu Gliwice -> "miastowe ćwiergolenie"

0 km
9 years ago / Karottencity

Diese Trackingnummer heute im WWW entdeckt.
Weiterhin gute Reise.

Viele Grüße aus Möhrendorf/Bayern/Deutschland
vom Karottencity link

364 km
9 years ago / dexterjj
9 years ago / dexterjj
9 years ago / sillva